How to enter profile data for a slide

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Image:iconawip.png work in progress


The fixed frame

Note N.B: To access this pane in Opera Job Management: from the Archives menu, select the button Profiles

Description of contents

A Fixed Frame profile for sliding is shown in the side image.

  • Peso: The weight per kg per linear meter should be reported in this box. This value is essential for cost calculation.
  • Utilizzo File:tastomenutendina.png: The specification of the function of the profile in the window frame (fixed frame) should be entered in this box
  • Altezza: The value in this box reports the height value of the profile:
  • Camera: The value given in this box refers to the footprint of the profile
  • Battuta: The value of the rebate should be reported in this box. If it is an "L" shaped profile, no value needs to be reported since it has no rebate:
  • Spessore: The value given in this box indicates the thickness of the profile

  • Sagoma File:tastomenutendina.png: From the list opened by the matched button, it is necessary to detect the specification of the profile outline (a Zeta):

The fixed frame data highlighted in the previous images have been entered into the program, pressing the File:Record.png button will store the profile with its technical data.

The moving frame

Note N.B: To access this pane in Opera Job Management: from the Archives menu, select the button Profiles

Shown in the side image is a Moving Frame profile for sliding.

Description of contents

  • Peso: The weight per kg per linear meter should be reported in this box. This value is essential for cost calculation.

  • Utilizzo File:tastomenutendina.png: The specification of the function of the profile in the window frame (Moving Frame) should be given in this box:
  • Sistema vetro File:tastomenutendina.png: From the list opened by the matched button, it is necessary to determine the specification of the type of glass mounting system, in the case of the profile shown in the example it is Slip-in glass
  • Altezza: The value in this box reports the height value of the profile:
  • Camera: The value given in this box refers to the footprint of the profile. In the case of the sliding profile, the value is equal to the profile height
  • Spessore: In mortise glass profiles, the value entered in this box tells the program the interior space, between the two sides of the glass wing, available for glass mounting.
  • Intercapedine: The gap value in a compound profile determines the overlap of the movable frame in the rails of the fixed frame:

Looking at the upper image, it can be seen that the movable profile is positioned beyond the track of the fixed frame; this indication is provided to the program by entering a negative value, as the following example shows:


Glass cavity

In this box, the value determines the glass gap. Since the profile was previously set without a glass wing value and with the gap value equal to the total height of the profile, the value reported will be negative:

File:ArchivioprofilisorrevoleM9.png File:ArchivioprofilisorrevoleM8.png

Sagoma File:tastomenutendina.png

From the list opened by the matched button, it is necessary to detect the specification of the profile outline, in which in this case having no rebate values will be as follows:


The sliding carryover

Note N.B: To access this pane in Opera Job Management: from the Archives menu, select the button Profiles

Looking at the side image, the boxes that are essential for the correct operation of the sliding carry profile in the window frame are visible.

Description of contents


The weight per kg per linear meter should be reported in this box. This value is essential for cost calculation.


The value in this box reports the height value of the profile:


Utilizzo File:tastomenutendina.png

This box should contain the specification of the function of the profile in the window frame:



The value given in this box refers to the footprint of the profile.



This box reports the value of embedding. We will see how in the case of our example this value will be equal to the height minus the chamber.



The sliding carryover profiles are mounted in the center node of the sash. Sashes mounted on the different tracks of the fixed frame overlap in the center node, consequently a negative value will be reported in this box. The value is given by the sum of the sash profile chamber plus the sliding carryover chamber.


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