How to put the center band on a structure
From Opera Wiki
Revision as of 18:38, 19 September 2024 by Lyna.Ferhi (Talk | contribs)
The example will start from the Design Sheet, with a Door-Window type, to which we will apply a central band:
N.B: To access this pane in Opera Job Management: from the Types archive, press the button to create a new type, followed by the File:Tastoplanning.png button
From the Design Sheet click in the center of the type, the following picture will open:
Click on File:MTI.png and open the Management of uprights-crossbars and muntin bars panel:
Click on the active area, a small box will appear: select the button File:Traverse.png
The Profile Selection panel will open. Select the band and click .
Return to the Manage mullions-beams and muntin bars panel and select the File:Record.png button to re-enter the design sheet. In the figure opposite you can see the structure with the center band applied.
N.B: By clicking on the band in the design sheet and holding down the left mouse button, you can move the band at will up or down within the structure