How to make a self-selection profiles

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Fig. 1 - The profile component window
Note N.B: To access this pane in Opera Job Management: from the Archives menu, select the Profiles button enable the Autoselect Profiles function and press the button at the bottomImage:tastocomponenti.png

This function allows through the Options table and the Condition menu to create a self-selection of profiles.

This function can be used in several ways:

  • In the design to choose through an option the normal or oversized sash or be able to choose between different central carry-over, or between plinths of different thicknesses etc. etc.
  • For those who have purchased List Management, through options they can change their profile and match an additional cost to the chosen option.
  • If self-selections for accessories are present, enter the lock option used in design as a condition and automatically delete normal sash from the profile selection.
  • It is possible to change the left and right cutting angles. Leaving "auto" will allow the change to be made independently in design, while if it is necessary to force a cutting angle, then it will be possible to set it in the profile autoselection:

Note N.B: These of course are some of the possibilities that this function can have

Choice of normal or oversized sash

Below we explain how to use this function to choose in the type between a normal and an increased sash.

  • Step 1

First we need from the Type Options Table to create the two options that later in design will give us the option of choosing which of the two sashes to use.

Pressing the Image:+.png button requires creating in the archive the number of options equal to the choices you want to make, in our case we will enter 2 options called ANTA_NORMAL and ANTA_MAGAGGED; it will be important for these two options to create a single group that will allow the program to understand that the two options work together, the group could be called ANTA_CHOICE in this case.

Note N.B: Once you have chosen the names, they should not be changed again, you may possibly change the description later

Fig. 3 - The profile archive window
  • Step 2

At this point we go to the profile archive (Fig. 3) where we are going to create a dummy self-selection profile that will later have the two real profiles inside. The essential data of the self-selection profile are: Name System Series Description Self-selection Usage, this is because it will be the component profiles that will have the technical characteristics. The section is created automatically and it is not necessary to enter it. At this point we press the File:Componentkey.png button and open the picture shown in (Fig. 4)

Insertion of individual profiles within. Linking with Options.

  • Step 3

Edit type with self-selection profile entry and choice via the Options.

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