Export/import filters
From Opera Wiki
Revision as of 21:14, 17 September 2024 by Lyna.Ferhi (Talk | contribs)
N.B: To access this pane in Opera Job Management: from the Options menu, select the Export/Import Filters button
- Nome: Data export filter name.
- Descrizione: Data export filter description.
- Tipo : Type of data source.
- Stato da inviare / Stato inviato : Opens the drop-down menu to set the status File:Statodainviare.png
- Percorso: xml file export path.
- Driver dir: Driver route.
- Programma: Name of the order data transfer management program.
- File XLS: XLS file name.
- File CSS: CSS file name.
- Note: Data export filter notes.
- Genera PKEY univoche: Generates unique primary keys throughout the exported file.
- Pubblica sul web: Allows the filter to be published on the web.
- File:Tastoicona4.png: opens the icon management framework.
- : opens the Filter resource parameters panel.
- File:Tastofilesrisorsa.png: opens the Filter Resource Files framework.
- : opens the Export Data panel.