Setup material prints

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The material print setup framework
Note N.B: To access this pane in Opera Job Management: from the Workshop menu, select the button Material Prints Setup

Setup stock prints

  • Distinta magazzino in m.

Print the bill of material for stock verification in meters.

  • Dettaglio distinta profili

Print the detail of weight, length and scrap in the profile bill.

  • Stampa barcode materiali

Print the barcode of items in material printing.

  • Stampa icone accessori

Print icons of accessories in the bill of materials.

Configuration des matériaux d'étampe

  • Stampa sagoma riempimenti

Print the outline of the fills in the order.

  • Distinta riemp. dettagliata

Print the bill of fills indicating code and coloation for each part.

  • Sagome riempimenti distinta

Indicates the number of templates per page in the fill list.

  • Spaziatura inglesina riemp.

Print the distances between the filler muntins instead of the spacing.

  • Ordine riempimenti a colori

Print out colored filler templates.

  • Stampa totali dettagliati in materiali

Print or totals distinguishing between the type of material.

  • Stampa peso profili in materiali

Print the weight of the bars in the bill of materials.

  • Stampa doppia U.M. riempimenti

Print the dual unit of measure in the bill of fills in mm and inches.

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