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Note N.B: To access this pane in Opera Job Management: from the Workshop menu, select the button Worksheets
  • Nome: It is the name of the Worksheet that the operator sets, and it generally refers to the department where the processing is performed.

  • Desc.(Descrizione): It is the description of the processing being performed by the department to which the worksheet refers.

  • Stampa su tutti i profili: Activation of these boxes will cause worksheet to show all profiles of the type, both those related to the processing to which it refers and those passing through the inherent department that do not require processing; this function can be useful for printing worksheet addressed, for example, to the assembly department of the type where all profiles pass through anyway.

  • Rif. etichette (Riferimento etichette): The function of this box, is similar to the label reference previously explained in the Machining archive, the difference is that instead of determining the label reference to the profile, it is faster to set it on the worksheet, also for a possible change of the name of the department to which the sheet refers, if this eventuality arises, it will not be necessary to make the change on all profiles, but it will be sufficient to change the worksheet.
  • Costo orario: You will recall that in the previous chapter, on the 'Job File, we explained how to set the cost per job, and the time per job. We also saw that with regard to time, the program develops the cost by calculating it based on the Workshop Work, previously determined in the Company Data.

This box on the Worksheets, allows you to determine an Hourly Cost, different from that on the Company Data. Thus, by determining a cost on the Worksheet, and then matching the sheet to the workings, the program to develop the production cost will take into account the cost set on the Worksheet and not on the Company Data. In this way it is possible to manage the cost of workings performed in departments or on machining centers, with special production costs

  • Escludi quota saldatura: Activating this box, will ensure that on the profiles shown on this sheet, the welding dimension will not be calculated.

  • Non stampare: Activated this box will tell the program that this worksheet should not be printed.

  • Posizione File:tastomenutendina.png: Allows you to determine which position of the profile should be reported in the worksheet: cutter or machining center. Recall that for this field to be functional it requires previous loading of profile clamps into the relevant.

  • Troncatrice / Centro di lavoro File:tastomenutendina.png: Depending on the choice made in the previous box, this box is activated where the operator must indicate the machining center from which the program should draw the clamping positions.

  • Stampa morsaggio: Report in the worksheet the position of the blank in the position where it is laid in the worktable of the clamping and unclamping machine.
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