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The processing archive
Note N.B: To access this pane in Opera Job Management: from the Workshop menu, select the Jobs button


Description of the contents of the Processing Archive

Worksheet File:tastoc.png

  • This box is paired with a button that is linked to the Worksheets archive. The function of this box is to allow a selection in the list listing of jobs per worksheet.
  • The File:Printkey2.png button: The function of the print button is to generate the list of jobs and their features.
  • The File:Table key.png button: Pressing this button opens the Table machining archives profiles and accessories.
  • The File:Keycatalogs.png button: Pressing this button displays the catalog matched to the workings, if any.
  • The File:-.png button: Using this button you can delete all the workings loaded on the selected item.
  • The File:Edit.png button: The edit button allows you to change settings on the machinings loaded on the selected item, directly in the profile or accessory archive.
  • The File:=.png button: Selecting an item in the list, and pressing this button copies the workings loaded into it to another.
  • The File:Buttoneliminatereferences.png button: Using this button, all references to unrecognized profiles can be deleted from the workings.
  • The button File:Key-save.png : Each processing can be matched with an explanatory image of the processing itself. If you have a file containing the images that for each one supports the encoding traceable to the machinings loaded in the Archive, they can be matched automatically. Pressing the button opens the Import icons panel.
  • The button File:Keyexcel.png : Allows the selection of jobs and their data to be displayed in an Excel table.

Let us now analyze the framework of processing creation:

  • Nome: It is the name of the Processing.
  • Desc. (Descrizione): It is the description of the Processing.
  • Foglio di Lavoro File:tastoc.png: The action in this box is determined by pressing the button that will open the link to the Worksheet Selection panel.
  • Colore File:tastomenutendina.png : In label printing, in addition to the ability to determine a processing reference code to be reported on the label printout, the user also has the ability to match the color related to the processing, which will also be reported on the label printout, allowing easier and faster identification of the processing, and in which department or processing center it is to be performed.
  • Escludi dai materiali: Activating this box excludes processing from time and cost counts from materials.
  • Sezione costo:
    • Costo: It is the cost of processing.
    • Al File:tastomenutendina.png : It is the unit of measurement to which the cost of processing is related (cost per pc, per m, per kg, etc.).
    • Minimo fatturazione: Minimum processing billing.
  • Sezione secondi manodopera:
    • Secondi manodopera: It is the amount of time taken to carry out the processing.
    • Al File:tastomenutendina.png : It is the unit of measurement to which labor time in processing is related (time spent per pc, per m, per kg, etc.).
    • Minimo fatturazione: Minimum processing billing.
  • Sezione secondi macchina:
    • Secondi macchina: It is the time taken by the machine to perform the processing.
    • AlFile:tastomenutendina.png : It is the unit of measurement to which the time taken by the machine in processing is related (time taken per pc, per m, per kg, etc.).
    • Minimo fatturazione: Minimum processing billing.

The development of the cost of processing and the time associated with it can unfold as follows:

  • Fattore tipologia:
  • Moltiplicatore: Multiplies the factor of the type by the specified value.
  • Livello: Indicates the level to determine on which workings to apply the multiplier.

If the operator sets the cost of the machining and does not determine the time required to perform it, the program will then develop the amount based on the cost and the quantity of machining, (e.g., "Hole for wall regulator1 €, 5 are required, so the total cost of this machining is 5 €).

If, on the other hand, the operator sets the time required to perform the machining by not setting the cost, the program will develop the amount based on the Workshop Cost of the company data, and the time set in the machining.

  • Cl.utile File:tastomenutendina.png : It allows a Class of profit to be matched to processing.
  • Centro lav. (Centro di Lavoro) File:tastomenutendina.png : In this box you can enter the name of the machining center where the machining is performed. As with the cut-off machines, there is a Machining Center archive, in which you must enter the name of the machining center that is shown in the machining archive.

The keys Operation

Note N.B: It is necessary to take advantage of this function, when using a machining center, whose software does not recognize the same machining on different profiles. Thus matching the machining directly to the profiles, allows the machining center software, to decipher the machining, on each profile.
  • Op. faccia alternativa File:Tastioperazione2.png : It is also possible to determine the name of the operation associated with the machining by allowing matching of machining to profiles on the opposite face.
  • Codice a barre: It is possible to enter the bar code of the processing.
  • Schiva lavorazioni: There may be instances when multiple machinings fall at the same location on the profile. To prevent this from happening by enabling this box, the program will avoid calculating the machining that is in the same position at the same elevation. If enabled, it will be possible to edit the following fields:
    • Distanza minima: Minimum distance between the two processes.
    • Minima distanza estremità: Minimum distance from profile ends under which machining is removed.
  • Ingombro sx / Ingombro dx: These boxes are consequential to the previous one (Schive machining). In fact, for the program to dodge the overlapping machining it is necessary to determine an encumbrance value to the machining:
  • Sempre da sotto: By activating this box the operator will ensure, that the program has as a reference for the development of quotas, the profile measured always from below.
  • Da destra: The machining dimension reference is considered from the right. This will compensate for any errors derived from cutting operations. This function will be exploited by the machine if it is equipped with a gauge that can correct the original dimensions of the profile.
  • In testa: It tells the program that the machining is to be performed, having the head of the profile as a reference.
  • Genera sequenza: Its activation gives input to the program to generate a machining with sequential coordinates. The operation following activation must be to create a machining with the same name followed by the SEQ parameter.
  • Stampa schemi: Activating this box reports the value of the processing variables in the printing of the Type Patterns.
  • Rif. etichette (Riferimento etichette): Setting this box with the entry of a reference code will cause the program, when printing the labels, to add this code, which will give information to the workers of the profile route within the departments.
  • Colore File:tastomenutendina.png: This box is matched with a list of colors, with which the machining can be associated. Associating a color to the machining will be useful to you if you wish to view the positions of the machining in the Design Sheet, and in the type pattern printouts, from the Fdp itself. See the explanation of the Variable box a little later in this chapter.

The variable button File:Variabili.png

Pressing this button will open the Processing variables panel:

  • Var. (Variabile): The identifier of the variable is usually X.

When choosing the variable identification code, it is advisable to choose the character X for all the machinings. The reason for this choice is not only to simplify the setting of the variable, but also to allow activation in the Design Sheet of the display of the position of the machinings applied to the type, by means of the File:Keyol.png button, located between the buttons in the Show section in the Design Sheet:

As can be seen in the image opposite the type shows in the sides affected by machining, different colored dots indicating the exact position and type of machining. In the above case green and yellow for the holes of the pawl and espagnolette strikers and red for the slots. This visualization can also be shown on print, as shown in the example opposite.

Example of printing the workings

Choice of fields
  • Desc. (Descrizione): Variable description.
  • Valore File:tastomenutendina.png: Pressing the button placed on the box will result in, the opening of a drop-down with a series of choices regarding the fields on which to apply the variable
  • Testo: This function tells the program that the variable in this processing is represented by a text.
  • Unita di misura File:tastomenutendina.png: It is the unit of measurement of the variable.
  • Passa al centro di lavoro: Activating this box is critical because it tells the program that the machining data should be reported in the plot that is sent to the machining center.

The icon button File:Tastoicona.png

Pressing this button allows you to enter an image to go with the processing which will then be reported by the program in the printouts. This can be an image taken directly from the catalog by scanner, or it can be drawn by the operator. After this button is pressed, the following picture opens:

In Opera, the loading and management of images, is the same for all archives (Profiles, Accessories, Processing), so see the Sectional Profile Design section of this Manual.

If you use the program's CAM to design and generate the machinings, the image is created by the program in dxf format.

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