Price list items

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The framework of price list revisions
Note N.B: This menu is active only for users of the new list management. To access this pane in Opera Job Management: from the List menu, select the button List revisions

This framework allows price list revisions to be made and archived.

Description of contents

File:Tastogenera2.png: Pressing this button generates the revision of the list. The outcome of this operation will be confirmed by the new value in the Generation field, in which the date and time updated by the operator will appear.

  • Nome: This is the name of the price list revision.
  • Desc: In this field you can enter a description of the features of the price list review.
  • Colore File:tastomenutendina.png: Opens a menu for choosing colors that can be matched to the price list review.
  • Note: Allows you to enter notes of the revision of price lists.
  • Tipo selezione prezzo: Indicates the rounding mode of odds in price selection (Round up, Excess, Defect, Exact).
  • Classe di sconto File:tastomenutendina.png: allows the assignment of a Discount classes, if provided in Company data.
  • Pubblica su web: selection of this field allows the review to be published on the web.
  • Esportazione XML completa: allows the export of all prices, even those for which the paired "Export XML" field has not been selected
  • File:Tastosorgente.png: Pressing this button opens the Source Management panel..
  • File:tastoprezzi4.png: Pressing this button opens the Price List Review Management panel..

Related items

How to manage list revisions

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