Job status

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Note N.B: To access this panel in Opera Job Management: from the Jobs menu, select the Job status button.

In the Job Status Table you can enter or edit job statuses, up to a maximum of 16 entries.

La tabella degli stati della commessa

Content description

  • Name/Desc.: name and description for the job status.
  • Position: the status position in the list.
  • Quotation: if enabled, points out that the status is about quotations
  • Color: the color assigned to the status.
    • Quotation: If enabled, this field indicates whether this status affects quotes.
    • Do not use leftovers: It does not automatically require reuse of chunks when possible.
    • Hide previous statuses: Hides previous states from the history of states.
    • Readonly Task: Empêche les modifications de l'ordre pour les opérateurs de production chargés de cette tâche.
    • Send to webservice: Using this field allows the state to be published on the web.
    • Lock on web: Use of this field blocks changes from the web of orders in this state.
    • Order status: Using this field allows the selected state to be set as the state for orders.
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