How to manage opening sides

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Note N.B: To access this box in Opera Job Management: from the typologies archive, after selecting a typology press the button Image:tastoprogettazione.png

After creating the structure, press the button image:tastomanovra.png; its effect will be different depending on the number of doors of the structure present in the sheet

Structure with 1 door

The muntins will be reversed, including accessories.

Before pressing the button
After pressing the button. The door muntins were reversed including their accessories.

Structure with 2 doors

all the profiles of the central node, including the accessories, will be reversed.

Before pressing the button
After pressing the button. All the profiles of the central node were reversed including their accessories.

Structure with 3 doors

The request on the side will be showed:

  • Choosing Sashes, the program will switch the position of the semi-fixed doors and will put the opening door on the opposite side.
Before pressing the button.
After pressing the button. The position of the half-fixed doors was switched, the opening door was moved to the opposite side from the original position.
  • Choosing Invert, the program will reverse the opening direction only of the door where there is a handle.
  • Choosing Node, the program will switch all node profiles related to the handle, including their accessories.
Before pressing the button.
After pressing the button. All the profiles of the central node related to the handle have been reversed including their accessories.

Sliding Structure and Lift – and – Slide Structure

The maneuvering function in case of sliding or lifting-sliding structures acts in a more complex way by going to reverse several parameters:

  • Side frameworks are reversed, so all components in the left side will be moved to the right side and vice versa
  • Doors, will be switched and reversed.
  • The central node will be mirrored and reversed
  • The rails will be reversed by bringing the door that was in the inner rail, to the outer rail and vice versa.
Before pressing the button.
After pressing the button. The structure is completely mirrored and the rails reversed.

Typology mirror

Selecting more than one structure will now mirror the typology. You have to click on button image:tastomanovra.png and then choosing more than one structure tracing a rectangle with the mouse.

A picture showing the typology before mirroring.
A picture showing the typology after mirroring.
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