How to management structure ID code

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Note N.B: To access this box in Opera Job Management: from the menu Technical Sheet, select the File:StructureIdentifierN.png with the right mouse button

This function makes it possible to identify the parts that make up a type composed of several structures with a structure ID code.

Section 1: in the Technical Sheet

Section 2: in the series

  • Generate structure ID: The function allows you to generate automatic codes for the types belonging to the selected series.

From the associated menu, it’s possible to choose the ID for the structure (Literal, Numeric ID, Numeric ID for column, Numeric ID for frame, Literal for column).

  • Separator: field for entering a suffix. It is activated when the ID code is chosen.
  • From right:: activates with the ID code Literal for column.

Section 3: Type data in the Technical Sheet

  • Generate structure IDs: The function allows you to generate automatic codes for the types belonging to the selected series.

From the associated menu, it is possible to choose the ID for the structure (Literal, Numeric ID, Numeric ID for column, Numeric ID for frame, Literal for column).

  • Separator: field for entering a suffix. It’s activated when the ID code is chosen.
  • From right:: activates with the ID code Literal for column.
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