Project management

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Note N.B: To enter into this box in Opera Job Management : from Options, and then Proiects

Content Description

This box allows you to set up all options related to the use of different projects inside differents Opera work folders. If you filled in wrongly, this doesn’t permit to open the projcect and it will be restored at the prevoius one.



  • Name : it is the name linked to the project to open
  • Description : it is the project description

The following fields can be used to differentiate grafichally the visualization of the open project.

  • Sf. popup : you can change the color in the menu background
  • Values : you can change color of titles in the menu


  • Archives directory image:tastod.png : to save the archives (or to upload)
  • Users directory image:tastod.png : to save operators (or to upload)
  • Clients directory image:tastod.png : to save (or to upload) customer archive
  • Jobs directory image:tastod.png : to save (or to upload) your onwn jobs
  • Inventory directory image:tastod.png : to save (or to upload) warehous archives
  • Pictures directory image:tastod.png : to save (or to upload) external documents
  • CNdrivers directory image:tastod.png : it is the way to enter to use the machine drivers
  • Hardware drivers directory image:tastod.png : to enter for external metalware
  • Export Filters path image:tastod.png : to save (or to upload) export filters
  • External reports path image:tastod.png : to save external reports (or to upload)
  • Logs directory image:tastod.png : to save logs file, which records in a text file all operations runned from the program.
  • Output directory image:tastod.png : if you select this botton, the program saves all copies in PDF format in a specific path before to print them.
Note N.B: This function is suitable with Adobe Reader and Foxit Reader
  • Compression image:tastomenutendina.png : type of compression of archive data
  • Security type image:tastomenutendina.png : it shows the permissions and log management type.

Network configuration directory

  • Network : it enables the archive sharing between working stations
  • Directory image:tastod.png : where you can find shared archives.

External backup directory

  • External backup directory image:tastod.png : where you will save external backup of the selected project.


  • image:tastomasterpath.png: you can specify a master folder, including all data.
  • image:tastocloudbackup.png: it allows to specify all options of cloud backup
  • image:tastoweb.png: you can set up all parameters connected to WEB.
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