Unified control for job options

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Revision as of 12:40, 11 May 2021 by Monica.Sanna (Talk | contribs)
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Note N.B: To access this window from Opera Job Management: fromJobs archive, press image:tastogestione.png and then the buttom File:tastoopzioni.png


Contents description

Note N.B: To enter into this box in Opera Job Management: from the job please click on Option

The Management of Job Options lets you to make global changes from the option list inside the types La gestione delle Opzioni da Commessa consente di apportare modifiche globali all'elenco delle opzioni presenti all'interno delle tipologie.

Some peculiarities

Fig. 1
  • When an option has a dash ( - ), it means the that option is not prevalent between types insiede the job. Please see picture 1.
  • Not all options, you see in the list, match with all types.
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