How to set QR Code
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Revision as of 08:28, 5 June 2020 by Luca.cadeddu (Talk | contribs)
A QR Code is a two-dimensional bar code (or 2D code), that is, a matrix, composed of black modules arranged inside a square-shaped scheme. It is used to store information generally intended to be read via a mobile phone or smartphone.
In Opera Job Order Management, the QR code is used on CE labels and packaging labels:
Settings in JM
To set the QR-CODE from the label archive, go to the "Label Fields" section and enter (or modify if it already exists) the "Piece barcode" field, setting the parameters as shown in the figure
In the "Text" field we can insert macros:
- E-MAIL: to send an e-mail insert:
- mailto: e-mail address,
- subject= subject of the e-mail,
- body= body of the e-mail ,
- example: '' information&body=Job:[PPPP] Typ:[WWWW] Year:[YYYY]'';
- SMS: to send a text messagge:
- sms:, the command to send an SMS is activated;
- example: ''sms:399123456789?body=Job:[PPPP] Typ:[WWWW] Year:[YYYY]'';
- Web site: to connect to a website for demonstration purposes:
- http: complete address
- example: "".
- Barcode: in this field we can choose the quality of the QR-CODE. The QR-CODE becomes less readable depending on the amount of information that is printed:
- QR code (L): low quality (low)
- QR code (M): medium quality (medium)
- QR code (Q): high quality (quality)
- QR code (H): very high quality (hight)
- Micro QR code V2(L): type of coding not yet accepted by the international standard
- Micro QR code V2(M): type of coding not yet accepted by the international standard
- Micro QR code V4(L): type of coding not yet accepted by the international standard
- Micro QR code V4(M): type of coding not yet accepted by the international standard