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Revision as of 08:37, 17 March 2020 by Daniel.Pintus (Talk | contribs)
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Note N.B: To access this window from Opera Job Management: open Job menu, then select Suppliers or Customers

This archive allows to manage quotations, along with all the commercial data (flat costs, selling prices, order quantity...) and technical data (cutting list, optimization, machining assembly...) of the job.

Content description


Job list filter

As the job number increases, it could be quite hard to find the desired one from the list. The filters on the top of the window allow the user to manage easily the search process. The job list may be filtered by different parameters:

  • Year: this is the year of creation of the job in the archive.
  • Status: the processing status of the job.
  • By order reference: sorts the job list by order reference.
  • Customer: the customer name. If selected, only the jobs for that customer will be shown in the list.
  • Search for: a keyword to perform the filtering. Every job containing the current keyword in one field at least will be shown in the job list.

Job action buttons

  • image:tastopiu.png: creates a new empty job.
  • image:tastomeno.png: deletes the selected job from the list
  • image:tastouguale.png: duplicates the selected job from the list
  • image:tastodiverso.png: edit the selected job from the list
  • File:tastostampa2.png: prints out the job list, along with status detail and additional info.
  • File:tastoricalcola.png: opens the jobs total report
  • File:tastofloppy.png: this button allows to import and export jobs. The process can be carried out in different ways:
  • File:backup.png: the job will be saved in the external backup folder.
  • File:cartcomm.png: same as above, but user can choose the destination folder.
  • File:joz.png: the job will be saved as a single archive in a JOZ file format (Job Opera Zip).
Note NOTE:
In order to restore a job backup, Opera must be set up to work with the same archive from which the job backup was created

  • File:tastoinviocommessa.png: this button is used to send a job to Opera Company technical dept. The user can choose the recipient address from a list and add a note, if required. Once confirmed, the program will create a new draft e-mail with the job file in attachment.
  • File:tastoxml.png: the selected job will be exported in xml format.
Note NOTE:
this button is hidden unless a filter is specified in Exporting data filters archive

  • File:tastook.png: confirms the changes made so far and closes the current window.

Job general info

  • NameFile:tastod.png: the quotation code.
Note NOTE:
this field is usually associated with the customer name, thus is possible to load customer information from the archive by pressing image:tastod.png. Opera will automatically load all the customer info within the job

  • Sequence n°: the job index number. This is assigned by the software and cannot be changed.
  • Year: the job creation year. This is assigned by the software and cannot be changed.
  • Rif. ordine: In questo campo è possibile inserire un riferimento nel caso in cui esistano più ordini dello stesso cliente.
  • Status:the processing status of the work order. The default values are Quotation,In production, To settle,Completed,Confirmed,Awaiting confirmation,Order confirmation; however, the user can customize the status list, adding new items or editing the existing ones.
  • Date: the full date of creation of the job. This is assigned by the software but can be changed by the user.
  • Profile prefix: the profiles identification code to assign to all the profiles and panes of the work order.
Note NOTE:
The identification code is used to make easier the identification of the pieces and panes belonging to a work order during the assembling process. This code will be automatically linked to the work order, and it will be possible to change it afterwards

  • Barcode ID: the prefix number for all the job barcodes.
  • Optimization type File:frecciagiu.png: the optimization type to use for the job.
  • Margin rate class image:tastoc.png: the margin rate class to use for the job prices.
  • Items: the number of typologies included in the work order.
  • Q.ty: the number of items in the entire work order.
  • On hold: the number of frozen typologies of the work order.
  • Desc:: In questa casella è possibile memorizzare la descrizione della commessa.
  • Note: In questa casella è possibile memorizzare alcune note relative al cliente o alla commessa.

Customer information

This section allows to insert every information about the customer (e.g. Customer code, Heading/Name, City,Agent)

Bulding yard information

This section allows to insert every information about the building yard (e.g. City, Address, Phone #1)

Customer information
Building yard information

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