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Image:iconawip.png work in progress

Content description

  • Name : labels are usually printed out distinctly by profiles, panes, typologies. Hence in this field the user will set e code in order to distinguish the label.
  • Type : the label type
  • Arrangement : the printing order of the labels
  • Desc : the label description
  • Printer type : the default printer for the label
  • Labels per row/column : the number of labels per page to print
  • Borders : if enabled, label borders will be printer for the alignment
  • Handle used labels : if enabled, the sheet management will ask the number of rows already used
  • Step x/y : establishes the horizontal and the vertical step of each label, comprised the space amid the labels of the same row and column.
  • O lt/top : the left and the top margin of the sheet
  • Width/Height : the dimensions of the label
  • Top/Sill/L jb/R jb : the margin of the informations printed out within the label.
  • image:tastoutilizzi.png: the Profile selection for cutting has the function to establish at which profiles responding to a certain function the label has to be printed to. this button opens a list of Functions to activate in order to be considered for the label.
  • image:tastostampante.png: opens the Labeller settings

Label fields

Within this section the user customizes the label, adding the fields to display in the label.

  • image:tastomenomini.png : deletes the selected label field from the list
  • image:tastodiversoumini.png: edits the selected label field from the list
  • image:tastougualemini.png : duplicates the selected label field from the list
  • image:tastopiumini.png : adds a new label field. clicking the button will open the window shown on the right. Every new added item has the following parameters:

Common fields

    • Type [image:tastomenutendina.png]] : the content to add to the tables (e.g, Year,Ctoss-section,Order reference...)
    • Horiz./Vertical align [image:tastomenutendina.png]] : the position of the field within the label area.
    • Proportional hor./vert. pos.: these two fields are closely connected with the followings two. Their activation arranges the field contents according to the proportion of the label itself
    • Horiz./Vertical offset: the horizontal and vertical shift from the label’s edges. If the fields of proportional setting are not enabled, then it is about to digit a value in mm., on the contrary the value is according the label’s proportion
    • L/H: the width/height of the label field
    • Text: a text to print in the custom field
    • Font [image:tastomenutendina.png]] : the font to use to display the new field
    • Size: the font size
    • Bold: if enabled, the font text will be displayed in bold
    • Color [image:tastomenutendina.png]] : the font color
    • Text align [image:tastomenutendina.png]] : the text alignment
    • Multirow: if enabled, allows to write more than one text row
    • Proportion H/V: the font proportions

Specific fields

According to the chosen Type, these fields may be active or not.

    • File image:tastomenutendina.png : the path of the file to insert into the label field
    • Note NOTE:
      this field is enabled only when Image type is chosen
    • Position image:tastomenutendina.png : this field is used to set where the program has to draw the profile’s position from, as if from the saw machine or the workcenter. A new field will be activated which allow to assign the machine the parameters refers to.
    • Note NOTE:
      this field is enabled only when Drawing, Clamping or Item shape type is chosen
    • Prints clamp: if enabled, the clamp is displayed along with the profile shape}}
    • Note NOTE:
      this field is enabled only when Drawing type is chosen
    • Color image:tastomenutendina.png : the structure part at which the color il related.
    • Note NOTE:
      this field is enabled only when Color type is chosen
    • Machining image:tastoc.png : opens the machining list. To make this label field work properly the user must specify the machining.
    • Note NOTE:
      this field is enabled only when Variable type is chosen
    • Variable image:tastomenutendina.png : the variable of reference associated to the previous function. The user can even use this field in order to report other values not necessarily deriving from a specific machining, e.g. the lock height, taking the variable from the list opened by the button.
    • Note NOTE:
      this field is enabled only when Variable type is chosen
    • UM image:tastomenutendina.png : the unit of measure with which must be reported the variable’s value
    • Note NOTE:
      this field is enabled only when Variable type is chosen
    • No print 0: the variable is not displayed if null.
    • Note NOTE:
      this field is enabled only when Variable type is chosen
    • Typology view type image:tastomenutendina.png : the way to display the typology within the label field
    • Note NOTE:
      this field is enabled only when Structure's profile view type is chosen
    • Barcode lenght/format image:tastomenutendina.png : the barcode lenght and format to use
    • Note NOTE:
      this field is enabled only when Workpiece barcode type is chosen
    • Workcenter barcode: if enabled, allows to trasfer barcodes only for the pieces worked on the workcenter
    • Note NOTE:
      this field is enabled only when Item shape, or Workpiece barcode type is chosen
    • Field name: the name of the extra field
    • Note NOTE:
      this field is enabled only when Additional job fields, or Additional job line fields type is chosen
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