Calculations: extra cost management

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Note N.B: To access this box in Opera Job Management: from the 'Job Calculations' panel, select the button File:tastoextra.png

In this archive it is possible to record all the extras that we intend to add to the industrial cost of the job.



Content Description

  • Name: File:tastoc.png Select the name of the extra from the Extra job cost model archive.

  • Type: File:tastomenutendina.png enter the extra cost code we intend to apply to the industrial cost, from the paired menu.

  • Margin rate: File:tastomenutendina.png from the matched menu you can combine a margin rate with the extra cost, which is added to the profits of the job.
  • Change: the field is activated when we select an extra cost type from the Profiles Cost item and allows to replace the cost of the selected item to the one indicated in the materials panel.
  • Cost entered manually/Desc: useful field for entering the description of the extra cost entered manually.

Examples of extra cost management

Entering an extra cost of any kind is marked by a number appearing above the button File:tastoextraconnum.png.

Extra cost type

In the framework “Job Management extra costs”, enter an “Extra cost” type and register.

The inclusion of an Extra Cost (e.g. Installation) will be included in the framework “Calculations” and counted in the total industrial cost.

Cost Profiles Type

In the framework “Extra costs management”, enter a type “Cost profiles” and register.

The cost will be added to the cost of the profiles already calculated.

If the “Extra costs job management” field is activated, the cost will be replaced to the one previously calculated and the + symbol will change color.

Note N.B: This operation is also valid for the subsequent types of the “Cost profiles” type, among those in the menu described above
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