Message management for oversized panes
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Revision as of 10:58, 19 October 2023 by Fabrizio.Loddo (Talk | contribs)
The purpose of this archive is to manage the size limits of the filling and manage the messages in the prints.
Below is a description of the contents of the framework:
- 2D optimization (optional step): If active, it optimizes for this filling based on the size set in the following fields.
- Stock W/Stock H: width and height of the filling to be optimized.
N.B: For its use see the page on this manual How to manage Integrated plane optimization step
- Vein Type : field for the selection of the fill vein type (None, Horizontal Vein, Vertical Vein).
- Max. W/Max. H: maximum dimensions of filling.
- Max. area: Area for calculating muntin bars.
- Surface calculation type [[File:tastomenutendina.png]: indicates which surface is taken into account for the calculation (Fill, Surface in view)
- Print message when exceeding: If active, prints an error message when filling exceeds the maximum size.