Window chart printing settings
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Revision as of 09:30, 14 May 2021 by Monica.Sanna (Talk | contribs)
N.B: To access this window in Opera Job Management: from Options' menu, select the button Printer Setup', select the button
Content Description
- Item preview: if you want to print the typology picture in the Window chart, please activate this function.
- Print Item No.: activate this function to insert the number of typology.
- Systems and series : it shows the system and series belonging to the typology during the printing.
- Frame/Sash information:if you want to print the code name of the stationary and mobile frames that compose the typology in the window chart.
- Item view: activate this function to highlight the point of view of this typology, from internal or external side.
- Item name: to print typology name in the window chart.
- Stampa codici: to print typology code in the window chart.
- Pos. Descrizione: to adjust the text of the typology (Center, Left, Right, Justified).
- Trasmittanza termica: to print trasmittanza termica value for each typology.
- Stampa tipologie opzionali: to print in the window chartoptional typologies added in the job.
- Hide messagges: if activated it doesn’t print messagges in the schema tipologie.
- Taxable income print: to print the taxable income in the total of the window chart.
- VAT doc: if you want to print seperately total amount and vat.
- Stampa costo riemp.: if you want to print total amount and full in costs seperately.
- Stampa costo controt.: if you want to print total amount and controtelai costs seperately.
- No unit prices: the program will delete the cost of each type.
- Second line value: to print the total amount of the second value for each line.
- Hide total discount: it doesn’t print the details of the total discount.
- Hide discount: to hide discounts in the window chart printing.
- No dimension in abacus: if activated, it doens’t print the window chart dimensions.
- Stampa decimali dim. tipologie': this function allows to print the decimal of the dimensional values of the typology, when the measurament unit is set up on “m.”
- Massimo ingombro abaco:activate this function if you want to print in the window chart massimo ingombro della tipologia.
- U.M. lunghezza tipologie: it allows to choose the measurament unit of the lenght in the typologies dimension.
- Stampa quad. tipologia:activate this function if you want to print the quadratura for each type in the abacus.
- Stampa prezzo m2: activate this box in case of you want to print also the price per m2 for each type in the abacus.
- U.M. quadratura tipologie: to choose the measurament unit of the surface of the tipologies.
- Stampa perimetro tipologia: to print in the window chart the total perimeter of the typologies.
- U.M. perimetro tipologie: to choose the measurament unit of the typologies perimeter.